What is an Author?
"... An author's name is not simply an element in a discourse (capable of being either subject or
object, of being replaced by a pronoun, and the like); it performs a certain role with regard to
narrative discourse assuring a classificatory function. Such a name permits one to group together a certain number of texts, define them, differentiate them from and contrast them to others. In addition, it establishes a relationship among the texts."

MICHEL FOUCAULT “What Is An Author?” (1969)
"But the question of how designers become authors is a difficult one and exactly who are the designer/authors and what authored design looks like depends entirely on how you end up defining the term and criterion you chose to determine entrance into the pantheon."

MICHAEL ROCK “What Is An Author?” (1996)
For a long time it was hard to find the meaning of "Author" even today it's difficult to say what it is? The meaning itself has been changed throughout the years.
In my opinion I think it depends on who you are and how do you show yourself to be the author that grabs the reader attention.